
Bill was unaware while riding the horse..

Matilda Jane!

Being a comic means being a bit irreverent and carefree in dealing with personal social issues.

Down in the crystal electric blue waters

If people paint Trump as the ultimate nightmare he will be given more support!


Can a city be turned into a healthy place?

I got called honey today!


I'm getting used to Liberal California..

Bill Hole was confused and hugged himself

Say something political Mark!

This election is hurting my interest in American Politics. Oh well.

In an Exit there are strange things...

Questions and answers!

When I am home again!

Semiretired is the new young!

Villains will be reminded what they are!

This is the absolute solution to the modern parodox..

In the distance Bill Hole could see The Giant Blue Horse moving towards him!

Yucky is soap proof.

Superficial Symbolism in America creates icons out of losers.

Superficial Symbolism in America creates icons out of losers.

In time..

I don't want to leave you hanging but the gigantic creatures are nearing the top of the cave..

Why can people do unconscionable things sometimes!

Captain we are about to enter the human like body fluids nebulae, DO YOU WISH TO CONTINUE?

If you are unable to see someone's point of view, to hear a person out on a subject, and are fast to criticize and disagree because of a bais:

If I wanted some real change, it seemed out of reach, then I found something..

What do you prefer:

A victory for poetry and more to come!

Hillary knows how government works and I am afraid that's important in these trying times.

I have been doing some amazing things lately when I get into that more I will give you some details.💃

If clobbering something fails, do a new action, like pulverizing, or sharing mashed potatoes!

We are not meant for each other, I completed myself just fine thank you!

There is nothing wrong with being a robotic zombie,

Been called hun and sweetie a lot in my life.

The best hope is hope itself and dark regions of the mind may contain more!

I believe uncertainty is something people need to learn to live with somehow

In the purple sky are small birds,

Miss Lips was fishing along time ago

You can decide what an "ultima" is and get that on Urban Dictionary!

Nose was given a good burial by all my fictional characters.

Time Travel Mmmmm...

I think the novel is weakened by so much literary criticism.

If you think you understand the United States then I just learned calculus today!

I speak for the bees!

Nose was not careful when smelling the cats butt!

In the infinite well of human ignorance I discover the horrible creature!

Gigantic things make there way up from the cave..

I was there on the beach..

It makes no sense that a person can cause God to bless them.

I finally decided today that bright green really is different. Still now sure why?

Possible mental health problem in Washington State. Take care.

I do hard work every day, I see this as both ethic and tells of character.

If the yoga doesn't arrive then go to it guys.

Playing Innocent and victimised is a bad act!

Everyone is worthy of being spiritual in some form and to be truly good.

Strangeness for strangers!

Thanks to the people who have been open and generous with me!

No will always mean no!

The ants come marching see them come..

Vile thing dip into the darkest sea!

How do I do it is my secret!

Try the new ego boost hot air balloon rise devise!

Change reality with new improved gas light Brain Blender!

So now it is the last squize: Like toothpaste it feels great!!!

What the heck is going on!?

Best efforts!

If I were you I would run though the secret door!

I don't care about Mister Vagina!

Love speaks and moves to your heart! Making live love with art!

When we are young,

People are not art objects on auction!

For Miss Lips things always go her way, well often anyway!

I will cause an ultima to happen this May!