
Yellow is not clearly green or is it?

Come closer Alice.

I only Alice knew the Truth.

I am not feeling myself, and not sure who I am.

Alice was feeling tipsy and sat down,


Joys ot nothing.


You will be my food love!

Lately I feel like a zombie problem is here for real.

On my mind,

As election day nears my brain is farting.

And so I walk..

A place with no name.

If the bay area continues going in the dirrection it seems to:

No title needed.

know your Friends!

Nice Frog!

Never a dull moment!?

Put a tree in your butt..

Prince of thieves.

It pretends to be your friend and removes all doubt, then, sudden, there she is!!!!

Never forget to check the graveyard.

Every change begins somewhere.

Soft silk..

Soon the be a green being..


David Bowie told me to give it or just don't! It has to feel big with potential!

Alice enjoys another Baby Elsa and CATWOMAN tV!


Do you see the hidden zombie?

The visual world is now going science...


Were these zombies she wondered...

The day the poets came..and I want to be in that number.

When you tempt a vulcan.

For a gift I hold beneath my tongue is freedom.

In the dice I found sevens.

Would you walk downwards?

Does this worry you?

There are strange places which tempt..

To live is to remember how to feel again.

Sweating all that you can, for falling into arms and hands soon the sun, life.

We love you Paul!

They do cry.

Yes always means no?

She strikes with balls of ice..

Call me what you like, you have felt my bite, and like chocolate, you like!

After years of prose and fancy fiction, poetry lurks ready to claim its spot again.


Stop this nonsense.

Alice found sleep difficult,

Note to self.

Thanks to TV Alice loses herself yet again!

Conflict should be avoided, but some people don't prefer that.

Carry on my friends.

Know your history.

Stupidity is not an option.