
Get Higher!

I find writing to have a mind of it's own.

Perhaps libraries are the ultimate places and books the ultimate things.

Here are some inspiring words.

I am an inteligent person.

The existence of life.

Trust is a weird thing.

Don't spread negativity

No one can tell me otherwise.

Loving passion is full of rewards.

I want to win.

Let there be light!

Spread the love on valentimes day. We all like a litte special notice now and then.

Step back a bit for a second and look at the big picture.

Your tribal ambitions.

Peace is happening.

It is hard to get it right.

In my experience real problems don't suddenly disapear.


The only way your universe can really meet mine is if you comment or send me a letter.

The robots are coming. The robots are coming. The robots are coming.

I love therefore I feel therefore I am.

I wake up and find myself at Peets sitting next to an elf.

Random male hostility and aggression.

We can be so stupid and it is way too easy to be stupid in our feeling of love.

The topic I wish to explore

The pits of despair smell much worse than my armpits.

I will thrive on other stuff than conflict.

I bleed love and more love and love.

Hope is a thing with Feathers

I'm a big fan of The Far Side.

Got to feel the juice.

The problem with humor is that chance that you might offend someone.

This may be the wrong site for being silly on.

His brain was set on extreme greed.