
It's the cheese.

Keep on loving.

American Macho Man

Coming and going.

Love to make.

Moving much too fast.

The day the earth stood still.

The root of things.

Happiness may be the greatest good.

Human Failing.

When men find nipples more than eyes.

Band Aids Please!

Worry less, live more, fear less, feel more.

Integrating lonliness in Chico.

Complete this picture.



Live your dreams.

Get real.

Uplifting Thoughts


Back to the positive, but let us not forget.

Pride comes and then they fall.

All is well.

Maybe we need socialism at this point in our history. A free market caused the reccession anyway.

Dizzy spells

Chico is fun.

Today love feels far away.

The art of sucking is easy!

You don't have to let things go the way things go. You have the power to effect today and tomarrow and even the past.

Here's a little love.

Shooting hoops better but arm hurts.

I am terribly in love with the sun.

I respect honesty, but not brutality.

I'm off to play basket ball.

Dreaming is as good as having dreams it seems.

People resent and criticize what they don't understand.