
I am wondering if my website is starting any kind of movement or movements in the world?

We need to include everyone.

Look around now.

Oh God loves you.

Friendship is holy.

Yesterdaysmost interesting moment?

The world turns and rotates around the sun.

Children must matter the most.

Many a great and herioc deed will never be rewarded it seems.

People care.

Without money it soon starts to feel like a person is not a part of capitilism.

A system of prujudices is what sometimes has a big hex on our lives.

Almost always have a good place to put your head.

Happiness is our right, but sometimes we must fight for it.

Not feeling so chicken.

I have noticed my blog posts have gotten a bit negative.

Let us overcome.

Obsessed in being depressed.

The love we give is greater than the love we take.

The best principle is too always act on principle.

Definition of integrity.

Tossed be the waves.

I actually heard the anchor to CNN say the word Yoga Cult.

When it gets nutty.

Decade of the Dodo Bird.

A good friend is as rare as a diamond and even more valuable.

Joy to the world.

If you want this decade to be a good one at least resolve that it will be a great one.

Truth is where it's at.