
I can say this

Verified Semi Functional Psychotic Men in our midst.

I live off the grid in a city which wouldn't seem possible.

The future is just about right now give a second or two.

Rolling in thunder.

This is highly interesting.

Real confusion must be walked away from.


Soldier of time.

These clouds of connection CAN NOT BE STOPPED.

Past is in the river.

Discover natural light.

Freedom does not mean you can do what ever. Ask brain later, as it is quite mysterious.

Back to the basics.

A Christmas treat is nothing new

In other words parts of California has a history

It is a wonderful world.

what if tears fell in perfectionism

If it does not exist

Soon the truth will be known better...


Seems like a strange thing.

Serbia is now an Friend and will be visited and honored as a friend.

Love may seem ridiculous

As a car


In my life

Computer is on.


She's kind of a bitch sometimes

My opinion about spider intelligence:

Either there is some zing to life...

I don't like to say bad things about The Bay Area or California

Day Tripper.

If you were my hands

As the cities get larger green areas must kept and somehow expanded.

What will change the world the most?


Futuristic Potentials

How far will a zombie go to eat brain?

Racism ect

Lots of weak stuff in the universe..

What happens when a zombie eats a brain

Yes the world does seem a bit broken and its people fallen ill.t

The secrets to living.

Now it is time to chill with a full moon at home.

I think there really is some kind of failure in erasing sexism.

Stupidity as human or not?

I don't even understand my own strategy to life.

What shape is the landing pad

I would say in this time of Capricorn

I keep giving it 101% but even that rarely gets me anywhere

For flaming hippy fascist vegans.

Sun light is good,

Believe it or not this is how I get a lot of my human connection-

Do not care what highly judjemental people say or think..

Men to learn how to be more angry.

Scientists have recently discovered a link between breasts and nipples.


What is happening with an angel.

I have another prediction for next year

It feels like love just finds a way into things.

I've always wondered how love could be powerful.

How do we take a stand?

I have a theory about our society more or less that:

I don't live my life one day at a time.

Jump to mountian of brain and add some salt for the fun?

I think we are all going to just make vagina paintings and let history unfold.

With a sigh I will share my first philosophy that kind of launched me.



The road

I write for the rising city