
News Topic shows that kids are natural poets!

The farthest shore in my mind is breaking holes in the sands.

I like to find love, as anyone does, but not in just one person.

Wisdom depends on where a person is in their life.

I know blood thirsty rampaging stereotyping gossip is free speech, but at the resteraunt I could hear everything vile spoken, hence your reputation is also hurt!

inch worm at least!

Brothers know we know what is wrong

About 850 goats seemed very happy to run away from Berkeley Livermore Labratories😳

The 2 in the happy scale as studied is a freakish element to the human experience...

One day I met the queen of fleas...

Just make art a lot and assume you do very good work! Make a lot of art!

Lost child there was...

I look forward to a time when every year America wakes up to a desire for love and working together.

Are love poems just a long ago fad? Or poems of anger something already done? Ect...

When poetry becomes a subject of literary critism more than an art form.

Poetry Publishers care less about profits than their status quo represented by basically the same individuals, many who have been around for along time!

Still pushing the frontiers Hubble Telescope is still working great taking us far beyond earth, beyond our solar system, beyond our galaxy, and maybe beyond beyond.

The power principle can be an enormous experience killer, which is how we measure our lives...

There are weird people I remember

In the days I say stop and sneeze..

Alice destroys..

I dream of the sun,

Perceptions..maybe not true until proven.

Any opinions Smarco?

Say it isn't so!

History that was likely erased:

Man seen with suspiciously large muscles eating a sandwich to make gossip spark!

Drink a glass!

No more invisible super circus rides for me...Hooray!


So what's cooking!

Oddly confident about where my blogs are going and very uncertain as to where!

Did all of creation lay out this great mystery for us and us alone..

I try not to criticize much, as a builder and changer, I dont do that!

How goes it Smarco?

So what?

Shall you and I

Secret to strength

I think 2+ is about deeper adaptations to life than simply surviving.

Sadly the wave stole my head,

Mud Pie

To learn and never stop,,

Since I have become spider man I have eight pack abs and I get spider sense from my nipples.

For a better day!

Forever and a day..

The aching sore is leaving the planet forever


I wishing Chico well,

I am interested in the creative force as a refreshing blast of energy


I want to thank the Bay Area sports teams for filling all my free time and social time and half my wardrobe with a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction for the rest of my life.

I want to make a picture show of my understanding of how the Gold Rush Days of San Francisco are not dead.

I think I met my muse in a dream when I was a teenager or tween.

An ability of mine,

An idea I am feeling must be true lately is,

Just when the world seemed to be shrunk as much possible it shrinks again,

Break into the rainbow...

A quest to experience reality..

Anything for drool

Our rat!

Welcome to the flushing fun center for superiors..

There are places I remember and the best to pick also.

My white tree in a snow globe

As I write I do so from a mental space that crushes the way I would normally write, as to be a very different writer in these moments.

It's time to get things right!

Smile for no reason,,

Soon there will be an hour,

The world today as a first in hopefully a series of writings...

Book reading is down 9% in the United States.

Being no comment and being blogs not normal social media gives me almost extreme freedom as just another Internet blogger.

Alice sat Back in her chair and sighed


Love though derided in various ways still will remain the fundamental force of life, humans would really do anything for?

The art of floundering is not in a book

This Epic will be about a soldier in the Iraq War in the last five years who is awarded the Purple Heart and tries to bring a message of peace in America.

Come now

My father,