Reagan started the process of corperate deregulation honestly thinking it would free business up to become wealthier and hence making us all rich. He believed that we needed less goverment so the market forces could be freed and true capitalism can happen. It sounded good at the the time and was the obvious evolution of capitalism. Now look at us, the most class defined place in the world where opportunities to rise in class are more limited. Even at the university in my town enrollment is getting less and less. I wonder will the big cars and fancy clothes last forever. My math says that by the end of the year more and more people will be drinking more heavily when they should go to instead. Hate and self hate, products of hyper-competitiveness blacken our heart. Love even your enemies as Jesus said. Lately I've started to dig Jesus a bit more anyway. He was like a good guy super-star. Kinda like me, but without the gigantic ego.