1. Have a serious childhood regression.
2. Watch hours and hours of music video.
3. Drink lots of wine.
4. Dance constantly.
5. Don't waste your time on unimportant stuff.
6. Don't pretend that you're wise or smart because of your age.
7. Avoid older guys that aren't viable.
8. Look good/feel good.
9. Have a dream that you have real hopes for.
10. Listen to upbeat music, but not lame upbeat music.
11. Don't allow people to disrespect you unless it's in the spirit of fun and have lots of fun.
12. Be honest with yourself!
2. Watch hours and hours of music video.
3. Drink lots of wine.
4. Dance constantly.
5. Don't waste your time on unimportant stuff.
6. Don't pretend that you're wise or smart because of your age.
7. Avoid older guys that aren't viable.
8. Look good/feel good.
9. Have a dream that you have real hopes for.
10. Listen to upbeat music, but not lame upbeat music.
11. Don't allow people to disrespect you unless it's in the spirit of fun and have lots of fun.
12. Be honest with yourself!