
I live in Chico California and am becoming aware of all the luxury that our civilization has brought to me. I wonder about luxery though. I begin to think that it is a bit of an illusion that can make us docile and passive. Also we can become sensitive to things that really are laughable, even suffering greatly because of the most ridiculously stupid things. We get involved in kooky dippy spirituality and do excessive drugs and become complete sluts often. I am not proud of these features at all. I do not find them noble. We can become so spoiled that we seem pathetic compared to other places that have less the us. We walk around in overly fashionable clothing and think we are special. Put us in a more real place and we become super afraid sometimes and oddly enough many people are afraid of people and play it so safe socially you would think we are cowards. Luxery has it's price, the discontents roams about commiting random acts of hostility and violence, people are paid too little often times and conversations lack substance. I feel like I am in a science fiction novel sometimes and as I go to the edge of town things feel edgier and I am reminded that sometimes I need to be in a place that seems more natural and real where nature isn't manicured and death seems more like a reality and life not just a dream.