Life requires assertiveness and sometimes very assertive behavior to set boundries, rules and goals. To take life as it comes is just a bit too mindless. Real people feel like they have some choices in life and have the guts to make things happen. Though we are social beings we are also very flawed much too often. If a dog is better than someone than the person probably either can't commit, has a small heart, is of a lower inteligence, or something. Love is not a game, but you can lose, like get your heart broken or find yourself getting abused in subtle and not so subtle ways. People can use you. Then I can say our heart needs love despite this. It is not up to our mind to feel love, but our minds can think in a way as to bring more love to your heart. Call it heart smarts. I just like to think that you don't stress about people in your life and are free of huge need and have rid yourself of insecurities and pent up emotions from the past. Then the road is there. Peacefuly the car just rolls forward on it's own. May you have a rich life. May you do what truly interests you, be not decieved otherwise since life is really very short.