Just for starters everyone watch the movie "Groundhog Day" real soon. It's okay, you can do it. The movie won't bite you and it is a real good film and sorta says some of the things I believe in that I never heard a word from the Pope about. Now a days he's become a movie critic. I know he just wants this world a kinda perfect place and that would make God happy. But sweet sappy Jesus and Mary just don't carry me to the highs that I need in my life. If we are afraid all the time what do we really have to live for! Fear this, fear that, fear God, fear moose, fear stinky feet, fear sex, fear love, fear to live. Okay...it's not that easy, but you got to begin somewhere don't you think!!!! Eat some icecream, God loves you, not into scolding you or judging you so much and Goddess too and infinite blue and love. Big as love can be.