To be revolutionary it is important to get organized. To find out what your main objective is and focusing your mind on reaching that goal or what ever. This dream that you have is unlikely to fall into your lap just by wishful thinking. It requires action, planning, testing, practicing, and above all persistiance and a will to never give up or give in to preasure. For of course people on such a path will always be met with some resistance. People in this mode are not drinking or doing drugs and alcohol really is a drug especially the cheap stuff so many people are drinking. Your health is very important, but the mental part may be more so. This is the power to create a new reality for your self. A success, but also to go beyond the box you were practically born into. A reality that is more constructed than you realize. And with the courage and the faith in yourself you may be able to find your way to the top of the mountian or soar like an eagle into the sky's above.