Yet we can will ourselves to be more positive than negative which often comes when life is very serious. I mean when everyday the lines between our brows get deeper and more angry. Is this what we want? Though in this vanity we have everything maybe the victory is empty and extremly frustrating. If we are to make it in the future I believe that we need to finally declare that we all belong to the same bunch of humans that evolved millions of years ago. We are many tribes, but the important one is the tribe of humanity and that which is our human potential to love and give to others and heal them and the world will become our first priority as a species. When we say we want a no-nonsense approach this is what we should mean. As in my seperating myself from the human tribe only dehumanizes me along with others whom I come into contact with. It is far better to bubble with love than to seeth in the troubled places where there is no real comfort. The storm brings forth leaves from the trees after a night of fear. The terror leaves us. The horror has no power. We are breaking the chains that kept us from each other.