Human's need structure more than they need a purpose usually. But there are those individuals that seem to need a purpose more than structure since they find it motivates them. Structure is essential for human life, but what of a culture that puts too much stress on structure?
This could lead to a sense of paralysis. One only has to read or watch the movie "A Wrinkle in Time" to imagine the evils of life when it becomes overly structured. The author suggests that freedom to be who you are can get lost within structure. Lacking a sense of self is probably not a happy state for the souls of us humans. We like to know that there is something special and unique about ourselves. Maniacal routine to a structure leaves out the truth that humans are basically insane. I know that is a strong word, but I think it applies. How else could you explain what human's are like. Perhaps that is why we are the most brilliant and creative of all the great apes. We still belong with them in the great book of mammels. The idea that human's are apart from animals is ridiculously out-dated. Ask anyone with a degree in psychology if my statement is likely to be true and they will probably end up nodding their head in agreement. Purpose as I see it always involves helping others if it is truly to be meaningful. Asked in universities if altuism is possible? Bizaar but true. In American society we learn that it is the selfish person that gets ahead, not the one who is always giving torwards others. Totall hogwash in my opinion. If you are strong enough to give you will almost always recieve more back than what you give in some fashion or another. Also selfishness isolates people, causes conflicts, and breeds a competitive mind-set. We need to grow up from being children some day. As adults we would likely hug more often and cry when someone else is in pain. That should be our destiny. The image of a snake eating it's own tail is about as stupid as selfishness can be. How can love exist even with a selfish mentality? Being insane is no big deal, but being disconnected to others and lacking the ability to care about others deeply is a mistake which is. A society which works too hard to aquire things is really on it's way to bankrupsy. And it seems that is where we are going. Yet we can change that. Yes we can!