I thought about the subject of the bible today and found it to be a challenge about how to go about giving my views on it. So here is what I have to say. It is a religious book, it is long serious, unromantic, and often frieghtening. When reading it you are supposed to believe every word of it by many people's take and many of the beliefs in the book if taken truly to heart would likely turn someone into an unstable mass of jello. Does this mean I don't read the bible? I own a King James and a Tanach (Jewish Bible) I see the beauty in it too. Like the massive effort that went into writing this book must have been incredible. The 23rd psalm is easilly one of the greatest poems ever written. The loftiness of much of the writing is unsurpassed. Nothing can provoke a person more than this book. Unfortunatly I have better ways to spend my time than read this one. After many centuries plenty of cool stuff has come out since and mothers and fathers have not always been the saints that we should constantly honor. Also people have serious problems already, so they may not have the time or the mental health to deal with the bible. It is a book that can claw away at your brain forever if you let it. It is powerful. No doubt about it. But actions still speak louder than words and so do pictures and nature. Words can distract us from our deepest feelings and keep our minds from feeling peace. Too often are they spoken in haste and also used as a weapon. Perhaps the bible is a weapon in some ways. Especially when it robs a person of his/her imagination and disinigrates their unique identity which eventually becomes easy to dominate and control by others.