I know I am not being bubbly with my posts.

I felt that I was being too cliche and telling people what they want to hear and not exposing my unique perspective which I believe is important.  I may require that you might have to think about a perspective that is somewhat alien to your own.  I take a risk in doing this.   I believe that the cost I may pay is with a loss in popularity.   I am okay with that.   After all I don't want to say uplifting words that have been said million upon million of times.   I begin to feel that these proven words of inspiration are not enough for me at this point.   I am not learning anything new by saying all that positive jive that has been put out there.   It makes me a bit nausous after a while.   I don't want to be what virtually every self-help, new age and inspirational book is pouring out at you.   Conforming to this makes me a sell out to a proven formula.   My goal still is to be uplifting, but from now on I want to put more of my soul into my words.   I expect that you may find it a challenge sometimes, but I will not try to cause any harm.   I might explore and discover and create hopes and dreams beyond what is part of the known.
My love to you,