And what do we even make of our species at the moment. The nice order of the fifties seems to disrupting greatly in our times. In the old order white men were way more privilaged than women and minorities. White people still are more privalaged than minorities, but with woman there's where you see some real change happening. Women don't just defeat men or anything. That is ridiculous. When it comes down to it we do belong to the same species and are usually attracted to each other and often want to make babies with each other. So no matter how feminist a person is or sexist, the bottom line is that we will always co-exist together, wether it's a fair deal or not. Unless the doll and dildo options seem unbearably enticing. I prefer people to plastic, but plastic does not give me a head ache. Still I have yet to try plastic. I understand that Japan is rapidly producing them for our brand new decade. That you can order a delux 2010 model from your computer and have a martini while you're talking to your doll you've gotten to know eventually. And if this is true about men, do women also talk to their dildos? So will the result be mass sexual delusion where we confuse actual people with the toys we play and talk to? Also with thousands of face book friends you won't really need a significant other anyway. So lets just say these dolls cost more than you can afford. Then you do the usual thing that comes in handy while you envy your friend who has it all. Then you learn that your friend is driving her around in his fancy car. Your ego hurts even more as jeolosy breaks your heart in two. Mean while lets say Wanda has got herself a wife to take care of the kids with while she experiences proffessional ego boosts that were denied women since the beginning of time. Her house wife cooks, takes care of the kids, cleans and is always cheerful and does what she is told. But the bedrooms are seperate. She calls her sweetie and bosses her around. Life is good. But at the jail and in the mental hospital things are moving faster than ever. How can you rehab half the men in a nation? You can send them to church, but for some reason that just causes more disturbances. So you invent a new flavor of ice cream that men really like a lot. Something that has hot rod written all over the cream. Basically the man will just forget who he is. Then the problem is solved. There will be no men after this and neither will their be women, but we will have more babies than we know what to do with. I mean can most people really afford to do serious birth control these days? Then you have a whole new bunch of humans to blow around the world like pollen. Am I making any sense here what so ever?!!!