The nature of life.

Perhaps life is mostly about the first law of thermodynamics.   There are many ins and outs to life.   The path of life is like this.  Full of ins and outs.   That there is a rythm to life, a cycle of giving and recieving.  
A cycle of love and even something in us that has a need to be crass and even ugly in spirit.   Life can not be put in a beautiful perfect box though some dream of such a thing.   Life is a bit strange and a bit unpredictable though we need to have a sense of control and a real need to control our emotions at least.   Life is beautiful and dangerous at the same time.   The love of life counters the sense of dread.   Faith counters insecurity.  Belief conquers doubt and I really have this crazy believe that love conquers all though it's been said before.   I believe that in our world of desire, underneath is the desire for a love that puts us in another dimension and it can. It is too interesting to pass up.   It can be painful and wonderful.   It is the hidden thing that makes every second come alive and take our breath away.  Not that we are lacking when it is not obvious, but no one has the right to be a great negater of love.   It is punishable.  That life is not something just to leave from care is stupid.   This story must end well or God may weep and we sure would feel bad about that if we knew how much he was rooting for us.   Like the best soccor dad ever screaming his encouragement where he sits in full admiration of your talents.   Let your light shine!