A new reality.

At a festival in the mountians I finally understood that there is indeed a more wild natural spirit where trees and a beautiful lake are and people aren't in a concrete world constructed mainly for capitilism.   I am not a major anti capitilist at all though, but I am against capitilism is true.  I studied and thought about this topic for at least a year and I won't give all my opinions about it on this post, but I believe that it began as a form of slaverly to some extent especially when the industrial revolution hit the North West of Europe and then America.   Marxism probably appealed to so many people around a period of time because of how oppressed and used people felt by the system which I believed caused a sense of desperation for many people.   No I am not a Marxist, but there is much to be admired about Cuba.   I don't know how I feel politically anymore, except it is better to live in some places than others.   If I had more control over things I would use the Renescience Italy of the 16th century as a model for what we should be doing right now.   As I understand it commerce was doing real well during that period in that part of the world, but so were the arts and there were a lot of humanistic concerns with the quality of life for all that lived there.  The Catholic Religion was doing its job, while new ideas and old ideas were blosseming.   During this time some of the greatest geniuses came into being.   Now of course the world has changed a lot since then but the futility fealings we have created in the world need not be.   Things are not as hopeless as some people think.   We create a wonder world through thinking more optimistically about things, not with a sense of futility.   We know now how powerful are thoughts can be, so lets turn the light switch on a bit, move that dimmer switch the other dirrection.  Then you will have my vote, even if you aren't running for a political office.  We are all a lot more powerful than we realize, we may even play weak sometimes.   Now that is real weak.   You have the right to be the powerful person you are.   I just hope that you are powerful and also loving which can sometimes be a challenge to pull off.   Just practice.