I intend on publishing a super uplifting ebook soon. This will cost you $5.00
It is a short book, but the most inspiring book you are likely to ever encounter.
The book has some illustrations by me and I hope to include them if possible.
Like I said I feel that the visual world is of great value to our emotions and on that note:
I believe that are eyes take in zillions of light particles (photons) every second especially when things are well lit.
It is amazing that we can do this and still have the ability to perform calculus problems and do complex analysis.
I wonder what it would be like to not be able to see.
I have heard that even being blind folded for a while can cause big changes in the brain.
I suspect that our eyes are just as connected as our feeling are to our thoughts.
That it is really a three part system.
If that is true than how can our eyes make our lives better?
First I think that our eyes have needs, just like our mind and our feelings.
So the eyes need to get their needs met too.
Telivision seems to suggest that we like to look at other humans the most and then animals doing stupid things.
Now really.
Would you actually want to spend all your eye time mostly staring at people?
I doubt it.
So what do eyes really like the most?
I think eyes are most interested what I would call points of interest.
If there is a tiolet that is in a weird place with a big crack on it that could very well be called a point of interest.
Being on a nature trail is great, but it is usually when we arrive at the water fall or something that gets our attention.
Going to a musuem and seeing classical art next to strange Picasso art and the Picasso will win whether you believe it or not.
Why is that?
Perhaps it is because Picasso was using his imagination more.
I will talk about this more later.
Good night.