Descicions are interesting to make.

I am just sifting my mind around.   It seems like I am being called to do something though.   At least in my situation there is very little rushing to do.   So I don't intend on any deadline to get to where I am going.  I wonder though.   The information is wonderfully fresh and makes for very fertile ground.  I know that this is way out there, but the future is coming.   I may not be the only one who feels this way, but it feels like there is a new chapter in human history that is soon about to begin.   It might be happening already, but it seems that with the economy the way it is the winter coming up could really be a doozy.   To encounter this time in our lives we might need to do some upgrading, even evolving.   Okay so here is this.   We can't change other people's behavior, we can't change the weather, and we can't change what Washington DC does.   I mean we have no control over these things, though we can influence someone's behavior.   I suppose it is a question of how much control we want over others and how much control do we want to recieve from others.   Interesting.   A question is formed in this possibly.   Is it dominance the force which is lurking in the whole human drama all along like a strange monkey spirit that we can't seem to shake off of us.   Lets just say.   Maybe this is a false statement.   But what of the issue of power?   control?   And then others factors like happiness.   Power, control, happiness?   Yes things do tend to do better when we have some of that.   Now I'm just open ended because this is a gross oversimplification.