Art is an interesting topic to explore objectively. The book art, impulse, magic and control summed it up right in the title. The three last words have been my credo as an artist and to some extent who I am as a person. Impulse is what gets things rolling. It is sudden in nature and mysterious in its ability to create the very best art when that impulse is worked on. Magic is the ultimate that can be experienced and even for an artist it is fairly uncommon. Control is very important too. Control is to do what is popular or at least somewhat popular because my aim is not to be Thomas Kenkade. Why not just be like him and have everyone like you? I think its because when your life is all about control, especially control over others through deception or manipulation you sacrifice some of your soul in the process. Then people may like you, but not greatly. I believe artists love the grace notes they experience which are like sexual highs. And there is something a bit horny about the greatest works of art probably through out the history of art. Creative juices and sexual juices are not too far apart. Interesting stuff huh?