These days I really am starting to expect change. After all that is what was promised us. But the notion of change is an interesting one to entertain even in itself. As for the government it seems very active and I believe that it has always been so, but now it perhaps more powerful. So the changes I believe our government believes in making are logical and constitional just about always. Thank God for our constitution. Money though is not in the hands of fairness. One side will cry foul, while at another point the other side will cry the same thing. How money gets spent is towards ? Usually we all feel that spending money to improve the economy so that we can make more money and everyone can have enough would be ideal. But now I believe we are having problems with money. It has always tending to float upwards not down. Hopefully into the hands of people who create jobs, progress, and happiness to some extent. This is a more conservative way of looking at things as far as I know and I am fairly uneducated about this so leave me a comment. I personally feel that idealism can fail. That sometimes progressive policy floats away from logic. But unfortunatly with our human failings even conservative policy can become a bit irrational like it did in the last administration. I believe though that government is very capable of being run by smart politicians. If Bush was elected perhaps it was due to some failing which the people had in themselves at the time. It is always good to not cast blame so much as it is to admit your fault in things. Any good diplomacy requires the ability to admit mistakes. If we are human we all know from experience that we do make mistakes and others do to. It is then up to ourselves to take our time to get through things, to not rush things, to treat things with care, and make the adjustments with grace. In the big picture of things is the need for some spiritual guidence like this, that when we think we are right, we may in fact be wrong. To entertain this not as a feeling of weakness or a lack of tough mindedness, but as a way of thinking things through.