I made a comment on Mister Chopra's blog which basically called him an honorable con artist. Very quickly my post was erased, but in the clever way of erasing what looked like a whole week worth of posts. Now I am sorry if I hit you with some harsh criticism and I said it in a convincing way, but your reaction was very interesting to me. It seems like you panicked. Now then am I that different? Perhaps I too am a con artist. I want your love, your views to my site, more money, fame, glamor. Master of the universe! Really I am not that important and thank you God that I am just another person. I apologize about my insensitivity to you illustrious reputation. It just feels like some bubbles get so big that they really need to get popped.
I found my comment that seemed to cause Mister Chopra to panic. Here it is for your absolute enjoyment:
Mr. Chopra has held more admiration and disgust than for any one single person in my own personal experience. He acts like a caring voice of reason, when my radar tells me his agenda is completely populist. His strategy has won him many followers and lots of capital. In this essay I am gladdened though by his more harsh look at islam in todays world. As a lefty I tend to want to make things nicer and more ideal than reality. Life has taught me that there are many facts about life which are ugly and brutal. Now this perpective can be overly negative when focused on and cause stress. But we hopefully get through the stress and really look at the big picture. This is a joy for those who like education. Unfortunataly I don't think all etempts to educate people into a golden age will happen at this point. There are more illiterate and anti-intelectual people than ever. The salvation for the world does look bleak, but hope can and should spring eternal. We have our own communities to pray for at least.