So here is the scoop. Winter is around the corner and four major planets are opposite each other and I am a semi believer in astrology so... You have me looking into my own future and I see... well you can't really predict the future...or can you...I have an idea...but it's listen me it is reality that is the question...and philosophy can be pretty bunk...but the question is a deep one...what is reality? Of course we can say there are many realities...but the mutually agreed upon reality based on decades if not centuries is generally accepted as not to be even questioned as it. That is reality...right? Wrong!!!!! In the coming year or two senior citizens will start to notice the weird goings on a bit and think they might be coming down with they aren't...they just resist change at that time in their life...Now we all need to work...most of us keep real busy...but some of us are weaving a new world...and it is growing even as I speak...Some old lady will some day wonder if she was born on this planet or perhaps the world is turning into some bazaar heaven.