God is needed and wants to help in my opinion, but asking the invisible may be hard for some to imagine let alone believe. In my experience God smiles on those that respect his wishes. He loves to see our mind move more in the direction of being good and doing good. And then what is good? According to my experience it has a complex answer though simplification is also possible. To simplify God, many say God is about love. This is a word that has been abused for as long as I have been alive. It is then not the word but the feeling that God likes so much possibly and that love being expressed courageously and with out selfish intent, but naturally. In the effect that we feel connected with others God rejoices. In our ability to care for others in need we are human. In our kindness and not our smartness does God see us. He helps us in as much as we want to be helped and how willing we are to help ourselves. But in order to help ourselves we must feel our heart in it's all it's integrity. Anger need not be a part of us. Nor hate. For this is not only outwardly directed but also inwardly directed. Love then with all your might with every once of you then God will surely notice. But do not love with pride, as pride is as sinful as anger or hate, but way too common. Lastly do not rejoice in the suffering of another human being. That pain may be much greater than you can imagine. Not that being a goody two shoes is what God would want as well in my opinion, but at least give some moments to have God show his/her glory so that you too will also shine.