I want to do some critical thinking about the topic that often avoids critical thinking the most: LOVE
Sometimes when I hear the word love my head gets blurry.
It surely is a loaded powerful word.
But exactly what is it?
I think love has a lot to do with being a part of a social contract with everyone. When we follow the social contract we are taking the individual and those connected to him/her to higher places rather than lower ones.
In capitalism individualism is tied right into it. As separate beings people can feel free to break from the social contract that brings health and vitality to the social body of all living creatures. It is scientific that on an energetic level and a more mathematical level we are all connected. What harm I do to one harms not only myself but harms everyone and and therefore everything. If the social contract is in question then people can start to act as if these things do not apply to them and the consequences on a karmic level are not easily apparent. So instead of saying I love you over and over in all the songs and other places perhaps we need to reflect on the universality of this word and definitely not it's ability to impact a person who we may have strong feelings about. Love rather than crazy notions in our head instead another perspective. The social contract between all people. Capitalism should come with a warning then. A warning about being our brothers keeper rather than any kind of tormentor. You are me and I am you. That is what love is all about in my book. Therefore what ever generosity I have to give I am given back to. In the goodness of my heart do I bring goodness into other people's hearts which returns as well. And the inner beauty I shine onto others brings more happiness into a world which is sometimes in desperate need of happiness. So then you want something really bad and will step on others to get it is an attitude which is more than worthless. It is wise to expect that by doing good you are doing enough. That there is nothing to desire and want and have that is not already to a large extent already within you.
Sometimes when I hear the word love my head gets blurry.
It surely is a loaded powerful word.
But exactly what is it?
I think love has a lot to do with being a part of a social contract with everyone. When we follow the social contract we are taking the individual and those connected to him/her to higher places rather than lower ones.
In capitalism individualism is tied right into it. As separate beings people can feel free to break from the social contract that brings health and vitality to the social body of all living creatures. It is scientific that on an energetic level and a more mathematical level we are all connected. What harm I do to one harms not only myself but harms everyone and and therefore everything. If the social contract is in question then people can start to act as if these things do not apply to them and the consequences on a karmic level are not easily apparent. So instead of saying I love you over and over in all the songs and other places perhaps we need to reflect on the universality of this word and definitely not it's ability to impact a person who we may have strong feelings about. Love rather than crazy notions in our head instead another perspective. The social contract between all people. Capitalism should come with a warning then. A warning about being our brothers keeper rather than any kind of tormentor. You are me and I am you. That is what love is all about in my book. Therefore what ever generosity I have to give I am given back to. In the goodness of my heart do I bring goodness into other people's hearts which returns as well. And the inner beauty I shine onto others brings more happiness into a world which is sometimes in desperate need of happiness. So then you want something really bad and will step on others to get it is an attitude which is more than worthless. It is wise to expect that by doing good you are doing enough. That there is nothing to desire and want and have that is not already to a large extent already within you.