Positive One

show details 4:59 PM (0 minutes ago)

Here are some I just came up with:

Being positive is not just a good thing to do, it is the only thing to do and is the only way to be.

Feeling positive can start friendships and revolutions where actions could not.

To find the positive energy is a trick and it can be stepped on by those who lack positivity.

If a person removes themselves from negative places and people than the positive just grows on it's own.

We worship books more than we worship being positive as ironically books don't seem to cause much happiness.

If you can't find happiness in your home than you don't really have happiness.

People driven by mainly by anger, lust and greed will end up being negative not positive.

Nature and innocence are the main sparks for the true positive.

If we feel held back and controlled and feel that there are limits all over the place the fear will knock the positive right out of us.

Positive people feel a glow and a need to shine that on others in the act of giving.

If we look for the signs from God he/she will lead us is the direction of the positive and away from the negative.   It is not our will, but divine will, our higher self, that moves us to higher more positive places.

In the future being positive will be a life or death issue so mine your home with things that make you sparkle inside and rid your home of ALL the bad stuff.

Simply by sending an energetic frequency from our heart to reach others in the universe is definitely a power that even the darkness fears.   It is easy and if we send out warm love to everyone even while we are alone we connect in invisible and powerful ways!

Reality is for me that the future must be based on the spiritual and the religious or the future will end soon for us all.   Therefore we either throw all the BS aside right now or risk the dire consequences and if it doesn't feel pretty darn good it isn't spiritual or religious.   It is just more BS.

Get the drum beating inside of you.