
This is a mysterious word and is in some ways the opposite of Detris.
It is like many of the V words.  
Pick your favorites including vive.  Spanish for live, life.
Violessa is suprising to be a fairly active word.
It escapes description much more than Detris.
The letter V is in itself descriptive of it as it has two prongs going diagionly upward from a cetral point.  
So it is a duality yet it is connected at the same time.
To understand this word is to clearly demonstrate that you do not understand this word.
It is both gentle but perhaps there is even a slight violent energy to it.
We think about the word violent in ways that are not always refering to the process of collision and catalyst.
It is a word that expresses a force, but not power.
Nobody controls violessa.  
Yet it exists within us and no other animal but us humans have it in my opinion.
Not whales, dolphins, dogs or cats.
But us.