We were made to be far too wrapped up producing lower negative energy in our thinking - worried and fearful - it is our thinking alone they are after - you don't have to go anywhere to do it - they are sucking off of any negativity - which is pretty much all of the time - all day long you are constantly unwittingly doing it - because everyone else is confirming the matrix of illusion all around you - a total and complete lie from hell on wheels - you call it your life - that is why we have a problem -
Our individual thinking affects everything else - we are viewing the results on the illuminati news we don't like - we created it all - collectively in the field of consciousness manifested itself in our outer world - it just took a little 3d time to materialize - what if there was no time construct in the way?
If you are literally out of your mind not in control of your thinking, then you cannot be in your mind, using your valuable energy focused on things for yourself - instead of someone outside of yourself, by giving your power and authority away at every turn of the corner in your artificial life - paying attention to anything except what you need to pay attention to - using your free will to choose uplifting thoughts in service to others - A true love frequency can be obtained by a good sized drink of spring water and tapping on your eye brow to say: "I am releasing all stress right now, I am loved and I am a loving being here to spread the love." If this sound silly say it anyway. There will be no harm in that. You will feel free of any self hatred and feel self worth instead and want to give this good feeling to others simply by being around people and seeing the beauty and good in them that you would now see in your self.
To materialize in your outer physical 5d world instantly - you don't have to wait around for time - pay attention to your thinking now by staying in a place of joy in the right now - all of the time - you have to find a way to do it - or you don't - its all you - we need the practice -
All to give us the impression that something is actually taking place right before our eyes - when there really isn't. No-thing is happening here- you are just tricked into thinking something is - stop doing things and start being. Stay still and think -
contemplate, relax - stop running around with a laundry list of sh*t to do all the time and start to 'be' - who you were intended to be - love and joy and creativity - a right brain operation - get out of the left brain annunaki make believe constructed box of this world.
For example - there is no debt and there is no money - so figure that one out and you will understand how you are made to waste your life away on something there is nothing of - your life was stolen, because your time was stolen - something you can never get back.
If you want to take your life back from those who have stolen it from you - you need to take your time back - wake up every day like it was the very first day of your glorious vacation - at the beautiful private mountain lake cabin, with your family or honey - the first day you got there was the best day out of all the days -
The rest of the time you were far too anxious, because you can't stop thinking in the back of your mind that you have to go back to work in 6 more days, 5 more days, 4 more days, this good time is going to be over in 2 more days - constantly interrupting your positive thought flow of a good time - constantly interrupting your high vibrations of feeling at peace with yourself and at one -
You have to reverse things in your life in order to take it back - the opposite of what you are doing - so you can start the 'being' process - otherwise, you are not understanding what ascension is about - what is taking place and what is about to happen to your shallow, lonely, empty artificial lives, because everything is about to get very good, beyond our wildest imagination. Get your mind psychologically prepared in a good place for what is about to take place like never before.
Once the first domino falls, it isn't going to stop -timing is everything in this orchestration, mainly concerning the sleeping masses and the care of their volatile sedated consciousness.
Your left brain intellectual, logical, reasonable mind cannot figure it out - because you need your right brain in operation for ascension - your right brain is everything that you are taught and trained to think it is not - all fiction you know is real - everything real you think you know - is all fiction - all in reverse -
If you choose not to go there - then you win the war in your mind - the only place it is taking place - the external world is a result of our collective thinking alone. What are you doing with yours? - every second of every day, is up to the critical focus of our attention.
Pay attention to it - there is no money involved to change the world. Get in a good mood and stay there - bring yourself back every time you step out of it. That effort in and of itself, raises the frequency to allow the good times to roll - sooner than later.