Be ever alert for a red tail flying near, for the Red Tailed Hawk will soar beside the Two-Legged whose own gift of vision is exceptionally acute.
To accept this Totem, is to be knighted as a Guardian and Protector of the Earth Mother and all her Children. These are individuals who will possess an astute awareness of the interconnectedness of all things, and will have an inner reverence for all life.
These are the souls that are involved in making the world a better place. They will be protectors of the Earth,
encouraging and educating Others to do the same.
To accept this Totem, is to be knighted as a Guardian and Protector of the Earth Mother and all her Children. These are individuals who will possess an astute awareness of the interconnectedness of all things, and will have an inner reverence for all life.
These are the souls that are involved in making the world a better place. They will be protectors of the Earth,
encouraging and educating Others to do the same.