I saw a book today about capitilism that got my interest today. It made me think that like the machines we use today capitilism itself is functioning much like a machine itself. This is then humans maybe being mechanized on two levels and not just one. I am not into changing socio-political-economic structures that are almost firmly in place. I try to stick in the realm of the possible and what positive possibities there are in a world where dystopia could very well happen if it hasn't happened already. If we focus on dystopia we are sure to get more of it even if we are against it. The only way to combat dystopia is with utopia. Starting small and then bit by bit letting it grow. I think many people have started their little gardens and have others with them and are trying to extend these little gardens. My motto is: It is better to die on your feet than live on your knees. Not to be taken literally. But life does require us to be on our toes if we want to succeed. Our eyes need to be open and then with open hearts some day we may all meet as one. Sounds impossible? Hmmm.