
She looks like some kind of bridal Goddess.

Love is not the gush word okay.

I definitly think love is a very high vibration

Things in the ordinary

Magic is just another word for the miracle

Take a trip to

When things sort out the rocket ship breaks on through.

Dull can be so dull it can get freaky.

Oh Yes,

Spark the spark of true hope within, since there is no other choice.

Fret less

If change is the answer, than love is the question...

Full moon suggestion

If imagining what we wanted was of great importance

It is not gone

This rain had no pain

It may look awkward

Love sustainable.

It effected her mind

Into realism

Even with out water walking super powers

Have a great fucking day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Suddenly a new thought appears


She prefers intimacy even in public.

Forgiving is not for weaklings

Sleeps with butterflys

Love well and love often

There is only one you quite like you

I have an irrational belief in the greatness of roses

Sometimes the star seems very far away drifting!

Heart with blood.

Thank you so much

Just when you thought the music died

Rise and shine you geeks

She knows that time flows

Taking you into the wonders of miracles.

She saw herself doing something for the first time

Thoughts fluttered around

Oh my God, can it be?

Something tells me there's things in the wind

Her heart is in the right dirrection

Fate is coming her way

She sleeps with butterflys

I wonder what is on her mind and underneath her cloth?

Getting hit by the ripples of love can be devastating and tragic.

There must be some pleasure in losing your freedom.

Why don't women just give up on men?

Sweet things to get lost in.

Angels still have sex appeal.

Just when you thought life was boring.

If love were a landscape perhaps we might imagine

With the love of a child heart.

A good word for love is togetherness.

Count your success not in terms of fill in the blank..Modern stories.

Why is it that I feel I must remain silent.

The soul and the heart are not far apart.

As the lovers card would:

I'm not sure if I should bang my head into a wall or drift on a stream.

It is about giving.

No body does it better

Getting older I feel I have a lot to learn from returning home.

Some jeolosy seems very strange to me.

She was special but that is not enough.

I love her because she is she who she is.

Being often #1 in positive catagories I suppose that would make me some kind of leader in the topic.

Character is indeed destiny as much as biology.

Does it work online?

Genetics and survival.

Hate will never save us.

Spending too much time alone is a hazard to your heart and your life.

I even wish liars and victimizers well.

People who are too full of themselves have little room in their hearts for love.