I found out about my unique genetic heritage later in my life. I turned out that my Dad and his dad and therefore me were natural brainiacs and being around them certainly made me aware that my mind was somewhere elsewhere than most. Yes I am very educated and self educated. But that is not where the heart is. That head ache could only lead to heart ache so I looked onto my mothers side for genetic understanding. What I found there was like a people with a very tough attitude matched by a toughness of being. This was hidden more since it was on my mothers side. It was through dedication to a course of action that brought these people success. This is the fighter clan. Where bravery, honor, and service where values. A people who no doubt had at one point been soldiers who were willing to risk their lives in times of war. While the father came from a line of men who used their brain to survive for perhaps thousands of years which caused the mutation. If biology is destiny I had to side with my mother. I have believed that intelligence though a wonderful thing can be cold and calculated rather than warm and loving. Perhaps a good example of what is causing the downfall of the world we are living in. That we become disconnected from ourselves and others in our form of society which is almost anti-community and anti-happy marriage. We are looking at the book the "Dumbing down of the American People" and a "Stroke of Insight" and there is a code red flashing fast. We need to return to the past or get demolished in the future. (My honest opinion)