The dark will attack and cause you to attack. The dark is all about
destruction and is quick to judge and causes us to be this way. It is
quick to strike envy into our hearts or make us feel slighted and seek
revenge. The dark always prefers lust to love. The dark makes a person
cold in their heart. The dark stirs anxiety and depression and makes us
fearful with out good reason. The dark causes us to stereotype others
and be critical and gossip. The dark causes rage and anger. The dark makes us think about ourselves and not care for others.
Not only are these things true, but the dark has a mind of it's own,
just like the light does. The light is about unity and joins everyone
together in connection. The light is giving and helpful: this sounds
mild but it can blast against the dark with unbelievable intensity. Have
you tried to see how powerful the light is? A walk on the light side
done intently can totally change the world and very quickly. With a
serious walk on the side of light a new world can be created. It is
possible. I suppose not enough people have tried this out to much or the
world would be a harmonious nearly perfect place. If only 100 people in
one week were to go all out in the path of the light the world would be
transformed. Only one hundred people is all we need