I see that it is a privilege to be alive. As a human who is living with some standard of living there is reality itself to be grateful for. In the concept of manifesting I get lost in the idea that there is so much that we want and want badly. I mean that could get kind of neurotic if you ask me. I can be content not by obtaining, but by attaining the pleasures and joys which are in me and around me a lot. Sure I think there is some quest to life, but for me it begins every day. I know I will learn something, experience something, have some cool surprises, attempt some kind of bravery, notice something new. and even go to bed with a big smile on my face. We are so modern that sometimes we seem negative even when there is so much beauty everywhere and so much beauty to create. That our ability to create, and I mean as in not destroy as well is nearly infinite. There is much locked up potential out there. If only we were open to letting this light shine and letting others shine is part of that deal.