To pick a point I would go my past my high school days, as rather unremarkablr for a teen and not just a blur due to how long ago this happened. Clearly my youth was very dull and very uneventful. My San Francisco Days which started in a month and a half at Berkeley also seem very uneventful with the exception of a trip to Italy. Also I belonged to a group of friends that had a band called the 100th monkey. The free speech area at SF State also made an impact on me with its "loud" activism which is also where I encountered some "Jesus Freaks" which were rejected. The San Francisco of the day seemed like a city toying with frontiers, but with very little dedication. Culture back then was maybe Haight Street and a few clubs off Market. Not a mecca even then, people trying to find themselves were obviously lost inside. I suppose most social awakening happened there and not in Marin, but Chico is where life got "richer" Chico was also fairly uneventful until I got involved with the artsy group there which were more fascinating than the hippies I met later who were less freaky and was a bit of a weed culture. Chico was like this town that seemed to want to be better than San Francisco, Los Angeles or any city for that matter. I estimate the great years of Chico to maybe be from 1998-2006 estimation with years after as a wake or ripple that lasted to 2011 (which was very interesting) and fell fast from there. I was lucky to have lived there.