What would Thomas Hobbes say about the religious view of totall depravity.

Is this a chicken making a bad egg because of the power that beliefs can have,

Not broken and dangerous unless there is an unless.

The strong poweful leader the answer?

Assuming the leader is very good.  That is still an assumption.

In anycase we are some kind of collective.  We are connected in some way to each other.  Anyone can feel the suffering of others.  In very rare cases do true sociopaths exist.  Yet a society where self worth is low and snarky selfies are high I get a jolt of concern.  Please give this week a lot more than usual.  The most amount of likes is still insatiable as some greed is apparently.  You make a difference so much, realize this is so even as you read this:  Your thoughts and feelings matter and nobody can take that away from you in all the selfies and snarks that remains true, with people all equal, with an equal desire to be happy, and to experience a sense of liberty.