Life can easily be a tragedy, a tempest if you may.

Eventually I find that my community has much ado about nothing, much sound and fury signifying nothing, nothing but social clamor with nervous inesucirity, caos, absurdity and a blind desire to sleep around. Many people caught in this with an out of control passion, for a perverse pleasure, for wanting to feel loved and yet it is all an act, like actors on a stage, trying to be the center of attention, loving popular people just because, or maybe because they can put on such a convincing act, when they are not real and are close to nothing, in the dream that makes love something, and we stop jumping around fearfully so as to look good and somehow feel that in being admired we are being loved. As though we need to and it is only natural. But not for me. I feel there are better ways of forgeting that we are alone then by jumping into the pack.