Thoughts from Tova Love

by Tova Love on Friday, April 29, 2011 at 1:06pm

Reality isn't solid like we think. 

It is shifting and changing accordingly to our thoughts. 


Thought creates experience.

We play an active role in creating our own reality.

Whatever we experience, at some point we have believed it into being.


If one has a thought that becomes a belief...

we often percieve reality from the premise of that belief or the original thought.

That thought draws situations to oneself to experience...

these experiences may in turn trigger the exact same original thought.

You can say it has come full circle. 


What we believe in, we experience.

Everyone is experiencing their reality from the inside out...

one can believe something to be real and then find supporting evidence to prove it.

Like is attracting like.


Thought creates experience, and not the other way around.

It is impossible for experience to create thought in this way.

You are in control of your thoughts.


You are never in complete control of an external event

or even the thoughts of someone else...

but your thoughts are your own to create at will.


All that the Universe is is an experience...

All that our physical bodies are is an experience...

and an experince cannot have an experience.

What this means is that the body is a result of thought...

and we choose the experience we are having moment by moment. 


Our physical bodies are extentions of our minds.

What we think is projected forward as energy in motion...

which is then experienced physically as our reality. 


The physical experience is the end result as thought expressed.

When we are not conscious of our thoughts,

our bodies appear to be having a life of their own.


We create our own reality via our thoughts.

When you have a thought, be mindful of how you are 'feeling' in response to that thought.

Keep in mind that the more we give our energy to a particular thought,

the more we experience the corresponding emotion and the thought is manifested.


You are the Captain of your own ship of thoughts.

Take control of the steering wheel and direct your thoughts

to ones that inspire and encourage positive emotions.

Reprogram your mind and create your own reality. <3