Tools for our times.

Five Rythms Dance;  Book by Gabriel Roth is helpful and females often dominate classes by sheer numbers

EFT:  Excelent, but also very female group usually

Collecting memories:  Write in a special journal two important good things that happened each day and one negative thing that happened unless nothing negative happened.  Review it every so often and make notes and circle things.

Writing to God or the Beloved;  Beloved can be girl friend or the idea of the dream girl (boy)  Write stream of consciousness in a positive voice with a positive choice of words for as many pages as you can.   Edit pages that are negative so everything is positive.  Reread as much as you can with finger on eyebrow or while tapping around eyebrow.   Deep inhalations are likely to happen.

Creating a dominant thought(s)  On a small post it, write a word or a small up the four letter phrase not needing perfect English.  Have it visible in your home.  Later put the post it in some kind of sacred container.  Leave it there until you forget what you wrote and then remove the post it and put it into another place less important.  If the phrase did not do it for you create another phrase and repeat until a phase is to your liking.   If inclined create a bag full of phrases that you can randomly grab from to get that word or phrase to begin with.

The book, Answered Prayers, is an super way of charging your spiritual batteries and if you don't believe in God you can call it the universe or something.   You are free to skip the first paragraph which is often negative.  You are also free to skip around the book at random.

I hope this helps.
We all need some help in times like this,