How I write


There are both images and words playing around in my head and it's the images there that strike enough mild terror in me to get me going and then there is no stopping it.  I mean I am never sure if I wrote it.  All my poems are basically love poems that go off in some unintended dirrection.  The poem is largely done on an impulse, but it is controlled by structure.  The closer I get to the Homeric form the better.  Yet Shakespeare wrote on wit that which is brief or very pointy.  And that is another device I practice.  Line connection is also critical.  It tells a story or novel on a micro level.  It is not incredibly random and sometimes speaks even clearer than any writing outside of poetry.  Poetic language could also have a two hundred page dictionary of critical words for a poetry writer to be aware of.  In Hayes psychology LOVE IS the central feeling and emotion to human life, and it is also a lens to start seeing the world for what is good and bad about it.  It is not to head ache the poetry writer.  Quite the opposite.  It motivates the writer.  And it is impossible to get complete on such an idea that has so much hidden power.