To publish in book form or not, that is the question.

Flaws are that there are way too many books, and not enough people who actually read.  The book might be published and then be lost in the shelves like a neglected animal that had been removed from it's own, as to the rights of the publisher and given to the bookstores.  My telling people about my book (s) would not make me feel anything special, maybe a bit strange.  (Like pimping one's creativity) 
If it became a hit in the market place then what?
I suppose I would then be a famous author and even have fans.  Yep.
I see myself as a writer?
I don't like that.  I write because I enjoy writing.  It is a product only because it can be shared, not because I need the money or the fame.
How about blogging?
I like doing that.  It is amazing how slick a blog can look and how organized it can be, plus comments can be made.  Most amazingly is it can connect with the larger internet and it's loosely connected web of its own.  Online editing can happen a lot, but not true in print form.  Lastly I reach a lot of people with my blogs currently.  The paper print would no doubt give me a much smaller readership, and the stories would no longer feel like my own. 
And what about the publishing industry with poetry?
Biased as hell and they make it tough on people who don't play by their rules.  And the poetry world as I have shown is almost owned by an elite group of academics.  They define what today's poetry is like and they get mostly their stuff published.  Truly embarrassing and snobby, so I won't be a part of that.
What about children's books?
I have been looking into the Lightening Thief and Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH.