Alice was looking deeply
Seeing that there was a bright object
Floating like a cloud above
She wondered why such
Had this object become
Then it was cat

Cat why are you
up there above me
lets see your real body
itire of your fading
I am very small
Thisis my bed time
And your time also

The was a purring from a wall
Curiously it was
Perhaps from a painting
Cat was doing nothing
justa smilenow
Please said Alice again
Can we put you in the cabinet
ThenI could take you out
For sometime in wonderland
Not again for not anymore
As the garden is the secret
The place where my hat is
Such a collection
As for perfection
Sohappy also
Being rather snappy!!!

The bees were polinating
as to dance across pedals
beyondthey said
to findout more
Remember Dina
I could if
I just remembered
Tall grasses and poppies
orforgeting as long as Ican.