
For miles where endless brothels where the best pro statue types..

If your ice freezes me!

It wasn't the Oscars last night!

Life is art, then there are imitations, those happen from 0 exist not!

As I understand democracy freedom and rights carry responsibility.

To some degree we really need to ready speak very honestly about the important issues.

Bill Hole was avoiding Professor Pickles

19th Century writing and early 20th century writing still dominates and rules today!

My newest rules!

I like my leaders without rabies, and prefer those with a social consciousness!

Here come the lobby vultures!!

Baby got bite!

I didn't hit the big time today!

Sensing nuts and seeds Miss Lips tumbled through the portal!

When I was a child I used to hang out with Bill Hole at the Jew Lagoon.

More and more I see the bay area as a place of strong opions and ambitious egos.

Nose was seen gliding over the dark green waters!

You shall see it when it comes..

Instead of running from unusual danger let's just get down and dirty right now.

We are in unusual danger here she said:

Bill Hole was shocked🐸

At the Jew Lagoon Bill Hole ran into a blue haired girl..

You won't believe it!!!

As Bill Traveled it felt good..

Rock and roll nation still!


Marcish advice!

To forgive, but why virulence?

Walking away has many steps I've already taken.

I hand it to everyone, do you want growth and improvement in poetry?

Its been months, but I five minutes its banana time!!!

Never is a cold word.

Nuts are so good!

Please be careful about doing green color tests in public places.

The search is on!

Heart breaking selfie couples we need you to imagine our own mate!

Supreme Court Justice Antonio Scalia dies today in what feels like a very sad moment.

This has got to be the lamest election in American History and the most embarrassing!

Is this an illusion of misplaced sentiments..

Never forget how little you likely know!

Thanks for your interest in an exploration of the strange color green.

From medel detectors, now the future with Mental Detectors!

Drunken alligators to devour roughly 40% of the hater population!

Zombies to experience difficulties with the marshmallow men!

Moving to quality of life number 2 1/2 apparently.

Think Theory to replace Yarn Concepts!

I believe poetry can help people cope with unusual stess such as panic.

Stinging nettles were moist!

Mister Chile opened his eyes real widel and said:

Politician tries to KO another political by popping in the head with a cold cucumber!

Blame game to gain excitment over Bingo game!

Mistress Lips Nelson Looked At These Four Men And Said:

Pranky prejudiced and violent try Angel Upon You Shampoo!

Rather than blood Bill Hole saw a lot of Nacho Cheese..

On day three I smelled some sulfur and heard the acid..

I also do art!

Here it comes...

Smarco Speaks!

Mysteriously some Jews took the long walk to Asia!

Never say 0

Let's kinda start at the beginning😃

Taking on the time bandit!


I get most of my news from Taylor Swift Videos..

Just Amazing!

News for today is shit not again, by any other word crap or piss.

I am happy with one news year wish and now I just have to make the world a better place!