
who are you?


Nothing is something

Home Life these days...

My muscles are so strong that even my muscles have muscles and I can throw jerks into whirl pools or stuff them into toilets also flatten then into two dimensions and mix with vampire soup

Come along to reason oh yes what can the drivel deliver like magic genitals and wild pubic craziness, I know shit from crap, profanity that is dressed holy, a quarter girl with a one boob space alien forehead

I was just told by someone that I sound like a journalist! It shows!

At least we should all be James Dean for a week.

War and Peace is Epic in scale, but officially there is no such thing as an epic novel.

There is a problem with time in its reality,

Wife, no wife, but life, is exciting with mice, mouse wife, power lighting is touching electric nipples in the rain of fools, cool milf with pogo stick, goat has milf envy, can't get pregnant even win the boob award, but goat wants cheese from sweet goat, biggest smile ever, goat loves smiles!

Me write an epic?

Again why poetry?

Through greatness to awesome angels

Red nail polish can grow

Feeling good after a long bad spell!

University to obtain understanding of gay minorities relationship to emerging power structures in South America from a new modernist perspective😃

Life is the priniciple that erases the lesser ones.

I saw Obama on David Letterman..

I wish you a merry Christmas and Happy New Tears!

healthy choices...

Broken heads unleaded

A new mission for my blogs.

Interconnected black hole worm holes and exact black hole measurements! Extremely cool or hot depending!

Yet another awful mistake..

Oh there tea time..🎉

New hot rod!


Weird is not enough...

On the bench

When one of the big events of the year is getting a hug from a "Spiritual Woman" raised questions as to why this great interest.

No need to explain the past, what today in this silver age?

Why do we like earth?

Be better now!

I suppose tea and pizza might work!

If you don't like my site just go elsewhere!

Mirror mirror on the wall who has the biggest butt of all?

Jerk: a offensive, dull, stupid person brutish, hypocrite, nasty!

So to all jerks trying to pigeon hole me, what are you going to do now?

My writer issues:


I think Berkeley and Salt Lake City are Sister Cities,

As I grapple with issues of racism and anti Semitic ect...

Some novels can be classed as poems.

Read outloud to anyone: Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson for all ages!

Trust me, kids love a good poem more than a high brow adult does.

Poetry does seem to be in an improved state of respectability, but still a bit elite.

I believe life can feel like a spiritual experience and that is in our nature to have that experience!

A slightly helish walk may be the greatest human experience! Stage strange!

As there was love

It is with a smile

Ultimately the Internet is good for self expression, exploration, creativity..

What kind of fear is dear to my heart?

Amazing awesome stuff going on currently in California!

Lousy dish water

Shall we go you and I

I turn down cage and pit invites,

You can pick an idea from a tree

Sometimes I love strange places,

And the love went,,

Watching the break of dawn..

Tolkien has been given some big honors lately!?

If we collected all the hot air from politicians the air balloon industry might take off.

When do words become more than words:

Stay at home mom defends her relationship with a fictional character she met in a book as common practice in today's lonely cold hearted machine world!

Though generally perky Breasts was a bit depressed lately, but why?

Fifth grade play writes seem to express concern with "Power Crazed"

Friends that fart together stay together.

It's just a heart,

There are far too few men on the screen that are heterosexual being portrayed as physically diverse attractive and decent human beings.

In the news today!

What happened to America?

I'm unlikely to date a woman called "Tooth Pick" or a lady called "The Blob"

Anyone who writes my tonight will get a bonus jerk tomarrow.

Why the apparent increase increase in human savagry?

California to get extra attention in the future which shall be golden!

Frank Hole to start his own religion

The new pop rock is making great sounds!

It looks like Uplifting Thoughts will be throwing some support to the democrats in this election cycle...

The cows were planning another secret meeting at the very secret park!

Your love is like a red red rose..

I hope I don't wake up tomarrow with unusual pimp abilities.

After a four year battle I am finally back to level three.

Breeze me.

I wish there was more civility in politics.

Worm VS Baby

Come rain or pizza I'll be there for you!

Do you think doing yoga will save the planet?!

Have you ever noticed how people who eat three patties with their hamburger tend to be very promiscuous?

Alice is now in England on this royal holiday of thousands of unbirthdays now celebration tea party book party!

Opinion Tuesday from Smarco!

It was a good day to be a goat,,,

The man on the moon wears a thong made out cheese!!!

Alice was so hypnotized by cat woman she noticed only Cat Woman!

honest mouth tooth paste comes in all flavors

My two girl friends in Chico were awesome,

She found me on the train as beauty was on my brain!!!

You want to meet a charm agnostic man?!

Said was untrue


I have an Obama prediction.

Love not then it must..

If you need to stereotype people first stereotype your self:

I lift a finger to the fierce wind and become lightning.

Days are bright light strange

I have no dreams about King Kong!

I live on the second floor of a three story apartment with security cameras!

I got to admit my life is getting better!

Now what Smarco?

No advise from except bounce more..

Stand back 100 feet new restraining order super soap...

And there he was!

come downThat.

Glamor sexual is the new sexuality!

I am a fan of the Jolly Green Giant! The new IT GUY!

I see myself yea i see dreams my dream where I go I go this me.

May Turtles enter my room,,

To forgive is to love...

Seems like America has some expert know it mostly alls.

Heart full of honey,

How to deal with disturbing mental challenges.

There are children still..

The show must go on?

People have strong opinions beliefs and

I find the spinning black top illusion to suggest a pixilated universe creating the movie we are in as seeing within and without, a oneness rather then separation.

People really do like a good quality poem,

Only the sticky part remains for mystery...

Today is not like any other day..


There kneeling at the chapel of love..

Super Chicken is now the brand new super villain.

Seeking shelter.

Train of passionate stuff.

Must not be quick to judge!

A matter of high density compactness?

An abstraction of large proportions is a huge distraction.

Cause unknown. (Terminology weak)

So I grab my new yellow green jet pack with low power thrusters and disability units!

Off to bed,,,