
If someone calls you there main lifeline run!

Audrey Forever.

The zombie tried to become human..

How do zombie give?

The zombies were everywhere!

Bite not at my neck!

Do you like to feed of the souls of the living?!

Zombie erotica!

In the case that you are dead and still here you are living dead!

As to when and where and how and why was not considered dearly as a fragile life form, but a weak storm now and then, and then until one candle remained and it looked so sane..

The words made only some sense

I am leaping ahead and feel so good..

A nice place indeed said Bill Hole.

His patience did not exist..

Be glad that Superman never became a zombie!

Life continues.

You can run but you will always come back to you...

The zombie was unsure for a moment...

Zombie blood levels should be drawn about once a month to see if you are infected.

A zombie walked into a cafe and pulled out his smart phone and hung out for a few hours and left without sipping her Latte!

Due to massive Jew Hating brain washing through complex stereotypes I have researched about and having a known Jewish last name..

You can spin me like a top and punch me out, but then I'll write something about you!

The word sociopath is in itself misleading.

The poets gathered by the Oakland Graveyard!

How romantic she said..

Men or "me" seem to feel that issues around gender, sex, feminism and other similar types of issues as being defined almost entirely by women.

Geese fear change in Migration due to Trump.

How undead is your love!

Do zombies keep leftovers in the freezer or not?

To read or not to read!

Now what can I say!

Really life has been a struggle not to become famous!

Being undead may be tough!

Moving on a plane of existence!

Sometimes a gorilla can be a threat to a human if you do your research!