
Replaced red bulb with true yellow shining on large green glass...

Now I am dating rainbow dash from my little pony!

I will admit that I am getting excited about science again.

News received about Chico,

So writing it may be the big it for me, not publishing.

Midnight special is not dope!

Superman Shampoo for women including Wonder Woman for super hair with powerful curls.

So Smarco what do you know about LESS WICKED LAND

With over 30 days of a constant attended music event...

For soapy perfect body!

I start thinking that everything is made up of time and space and what means anything is where the heart touches the mind and when we are able to touch with others..

You know love is no thing

If asked to describe myself I would say: I am a poet,

Give your eyes a new life.

It is serious when doing evil is like a religion to a sizable population!

Never go on a date with a headless person unless you're some kind of pervert!

Even breasts wished she had a face so she could cry more than milk.

Never kiss a person with a butt head!

don't wear a mask to my magic party,

Never let a giant whale sit on your face,

Upon waking a happy Goat is licking your face!

optimism at 70% for the future of poetry!

Now on chocolate island..

My mind plays with light

Next thing is to make a children's book,

Why poetry (DEFINITION)

Sat as that,,

Raw imaginative poetry kids equals adults who love poetry in the future.

According to official data poetry did not make a comeback and the novel is doing great, especially those with fear as a primary emotion.

Dark tunnels work...

I don't like the legalization of marihuana with out a very informed public!

Other reasons not mentioned in support of poetry!

I just got a 10 inch screen,

Oh a mistake

A tiny world in a huge place,

I still heart for Chico


An art world!

Left overs!

Rivers travel eastwards

Knock knock joke?

A hiccup of a new variety...

Look at me..

New Super Self Shampoo

Subways running wheels hum beneath the city,

Living in a pearl world

The blindness of a staring eye..

War destroys more than it creates.

If only a day...

Seems like some of you think I write fairly well...

So out of the blue there he was because

abstract question: Have "we" gotten better???

keep on

I fell into an elevator going down

high horses away

National Poetry Month seems more like a rock and roll event this year.

You know you are onto something when

So there she was

One of the world's ultra-worst terrorist leaders was killed today.

And there she was...

I don't know a lot about socialism, but it loses appeal to me each year. The reason is that I think propaganda is involved a lot in socialism and what glitters about socialism is not the whole story.

The nothing.

Busy removing pink dots suspicious of being sexual dots, replacing them with blue squares!


In support of all aspects of life, but those who show that we are creating

The ultimate bad ass to twerk and tweak in front of large fandom followed by the refresher of the nearly dead saved by the nipple exposed by new celebrity in darIng new fashion exciting international critics!!!

I prefer sunlight with an overhead light than overhead light and night light.,

I left the Bay Area for Chico California when I was 22 and at 44 I returned back to the Bay Area! This is my three year anniversary!😄😃😀

It seems possible to deconstruct everything in reality and find a lot of inflated nothing's worth paying attention to.

On Television said at the end of every sentence!

So how is that three star life goin?

Peeling the bark away...

So what now Smarco..

My thoughts from the down low

Today I realized the possibility that humans might be the animal like of animal..

He ordered her a television for improving

Wailing till dawn

I am not going to judge Hillary Clinton, but the system that would getting her elected is a rotten Humpty Dumpty.

So how goes it smarco?

Blow up!

Will is often good or simply ego enlargement.

Never forget this.

The loss of the lease for the Empire Coffee in Chico is the last straw with me..

The now new world according to me!

What I got...

Hello lovelies

State of the world confusion..

Songs of today..

So where am I going with a giant goat?

Forgive, but forget slowly.


We are togethers in this

Is the computer revolution a success?

So the mirror spoke back to me mister

I think every region on earth is like a unique spot the universe.

I cut the cheese.

Perfect women swim through space.

Though my comment section is nearly empty


Is it possible that human life requires NUMBERS?

Sacred to the American Indians the Northern Gilded Flicker is endangered.

The adult world is definitely a reality.

Expecting the best in life is very nice.

Seems like I got a meany green (M&M)